Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Taking Pictures of People Taking Pictures of Us

It became evident to us from the very beginning that the Archimedes draws people's attention.  I'd like to dedicate this post to all those folks who stop what they are doing to get a quick picture of the Arc as we cruise past.  I took all of these pictures yesterday in a period of two hours of our passage from Oleta River State Park in North Miami to Dania Beach. It should be noted that this is probably only about 1/3rd of the people we "SAW" taking a picture. It's hard to catch the shot of them taking the picture and I missed way more than I got.

We get just as many or more "thumbs up" as we do people taking pictures!  It seems people get excited about a big solar boat. Check this out!

This picture was an accidental 2 for 1 shot!  I had no idea the lady on the balcony was even there!  I was taking a picture of the couple on the side of the waterway.

We see people come out onto their balcony to take a picture all the time. Sometimes they run back inside and come back with a couple more people and their camera.

Many folks passing by the waterway see us and stop  to take a photo.

My camera just missed catching this lady with her camera in position.

This man stopped his car to get out and get a shot!

I am lucky to catch anyone taking pictures from a moving boat.  But I did pretty good with this one.

These two came over specifically to take the picture and stopped us to ask questions.
Do you have an electric motor?

This couple was waiting for the draw bridge to open when they spotted us.

We see this a lot too.  
Again, it's hard to catch them in the act of taking pictures!

This lady was on a water taxi. We often see multiple flashes from  ferry boats and I'm going catch that one day soon, I've decided to make hobby out of taking pictures of people taking pictures of us.

The Keys and Miami - Camera Dump

Pictures from the Keys and Miami.

Mallory Park in Key West has activities every evening at Sunset with lots of street performers and vendors.

Even performances from pigs!

This was right beside us at our anchorage beside Fleming Key. I thought to myself "this family has it all together!"  As it turns out this float belonged to one of the many party boats that you pay to get out on the water for fun!


We saw as many as 3 cruise ships in the harbor at one time.

The water in the Keys is absolutely the most beautiful and clearest water I have ever seen.  This picture shows sea grass 5' below the boat.  AMAZING! 


The Coast Guard stands at guard to the entrance of the harbor at Key West and sail boats abound as we departed via Hawks Channel in the Atlantic Ocean.

This is a military satellite that obviously has a protective cover.  It looks like an egg hatching.

This picture shows the never ending line of people waiting their turn to have their picture made at the southern most point of the United States.  We decided not to wait in line and I was disappointed not to have my picture taken here but...we did get a picture of the bouy as we were leaving Key West ... but from the ocean side!  It works for me.

This was a house on an island out in the Atlantic Ocean just off the coast of Key West.

Boaters must watch for crab pots so as not to get the lines tangled in the prop and/or rudder.  That could be disastrous.

 Saw this guy at Big Pine Key. Ouch!  Low tide.

Leaving Big Pine Key

I love this picture.  I think I could spend a couple of days here in Big Pine Key.

This happens to us a lot!  We have to be one of the most photographed boats out on the ICW!

Boot Key Harbor, Marathon

Sunset at Marathon

A picnic table set up at the end of a man made jetty out from a home at Grassy Key.

Just around the corner from this nice picnic setup we found this poor pelican!  This is the danger of not properly disposing of fishing line.  

While anchored in Dolphin Cove, I was below in the salon when all of a sudden I heard something hitting the side of the boat under the water!  What on earth???  I ran upstairs and saw hundreds of fish attacking the the boat!

It turns out that certain kinds of fish like to hang out in the shadow of your boat which entices Amber Jacks (we think) to come for a feast!  It was a wild experience.

Sunset at Long Bight Key

Don't you hate it when this happens?
 Spotted this scene as we were arriving at Islamarada.
What a mess when the owner returns!

 Beautiful Lorilei Yacht Club

Home of the Nautilimo!

As we were leaving Islamarada, we saw this ultralight racing some jet skis.  You can't see the jet skis but, they're there.

Upon arriving at John Pennakamp State Park we met up with the Spirit of John Pennakamp  heading out with a boat load of folks to view the coral reefs through the glass bottom of the boat.

Birds find a spot to rest just outside the channel into the park.

The water is still clear as evidenced by this sponge approximately 6' under the water.


On our way to the grocery store we ran across this house.
Mmmmm  A dream house for sure.

The red flag is the USMC flag.
Semper Fi!

Next along this mangrove canal we came up on the KOA campground in Key Largo!

Park your trailer just behind these tiki huts and launch your boat and enjoy this wonderland of water sports.

KOA pincic area

Picture post card pretty.

Yet another example of the pure water quality in the Keys.  In the picture below you can see the grass on the bottom of this mangrove canal along side a reflection of the mangroves above.  How cool is that?

 Can you distinguish the reflection in the water from the trees itself?

This is where I met Rocky Raccoon.  He was just as surprised to me as I was him.

Somewhere between Islamarada and Key Largo we ran across these toilet seats.  We would have liked to have met up with some locals to inquire as to the history.  I'm sure it would have been an interesting story.

Enough said!

And now for Miami...

We passed under the bridge after crossing Biscayne Bay...

and immediately turned right to get to the anchorage at Marine Stadium.  Carter actually attended a concert back in the early 70's here.  There was a floating stage and boats would raft up together in the harbor while landlubbers filled the stadium.  That place needs to be brought back to life.

This is a busy harbor/anchorage.

The Miami Sea Plane school used the entrance for take off and landing practice.

 Folks practiced their boating skills.

And kids learned the art of crewing.

Yes...some of my photos are a little crooked but keep in mind that I take pictures from a moving, rocking, rolling ship.  I'm lucky to get anything in focus...much less straight.

Ha!  A Pirate Ship!  
It seems that every large city has one!
This is the last picture I took the night before leaving and I think it turned out the be the best night shot I was able to get during the entire 2 weeks were in Miami.