We are still working on unloading the Halcyon in preparation for cleaning and painting. As of this morning I have the kitchen and bathroom completely cleared, cleaned and ready for painting. Carter has cleared off the deck and it is ready for pressurewashing.
Carter has semi completed the new gangplank. He will replace the plywood sheet with more planks...he ran out too soon. Back to the lumberyard.
Here is the workroom as of today. Tent for cover and homemade table.
We are always plotting out how we are going to put this thing together. Here Carter is playing around with the solar panels to see how they are going to fit. Carter states that there will have to be a total of 10 of these panels which he will construct a structure to create a roof over the top deck.
Another view
Checking out what it will look like with the panels down.
Hello Diane:
ReplyDeleteOK, I'll try on the dinette-bed thing but the old brain is pretty foggy and that was 30 years ago. From the practical standpoint that was a selling point, not something you would want to use on a regular basis. After we did it once it was never done again while we owned the boat, but I guess you will have to try it. I really don't remember the procedure at all but going over in my mind what's available I would try this.
Pop the fiddle boards off the table. 30 years ago they did pop off but I bet they haven't been off since. Then turn the back and seat boards cross ways to the boat. A back and seat board together should make a bed width and end to end make the length. As I recall we figured a real tall guys feet would stick out in the galley space. Something to laugh about as I”m 5'-6” and Pat was 5'-4”. See if that works. If you decide to remove the table be aware that the table supporting leg base is epoxied to the floor which is the top of one of the fuel tanks. Be careful.
If I were going to do what you are talking about I would leave the dinette alone and figure out a way to make the double bunk in the forward cabin fold up somehow. Maybe up under the side deck?
I like the idea of forgetting the sails for this trip. There is very little real sailing water on that route and a tall mast is a problem with bridges and overhead wires. In fact wires are really dangerous as they are so easy to miss. Got a few things I want to talk to Carter about but I'll email him. Some of it is just for his ears alone and a blog is open to the world.
Once I get started there is a lot more I'd like to say but this has already about reached the limit of my one finger, hunt and peck, typing abilities. Your Blog brings back a lot of memories. We had our dreams.
Tom H